Our Governing Body

What do Governors do?

The broad areas of responsibility are:

  • As a Voluntary Aided School, Hartlip School Governors are the employers of the staff

  • Interview and appoint staff

  • Set the strategic direction of the school/ establish clear policies

  • Determine the aims and curriculum policy of the school

  • Ensure national requirements and pupils’ needs are met

  • Allocate the schools budget in line with our school improvement plan

  • Have responsibility for safeguarding

  • Challenge and support the school by monitoring, review and evaluation

  • Ensure accountability of Headteacher and staff

  • Foster good relations with parents and the local community

Governor Roles and Responsibilities:


Our Finance and Resources Committee ensure that appropriate decisions are made regarding the allocation, setting and expenditure of the Budget.

Further information about the school’s financial information can be found here

Our Quality of Education Committee, monitors standards of Teaching and Learning

Our Admissions Committee serves as our Admissions Authority and considers all applications made to the school

Our Governors Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank you for calling us to be governors at this school. We pray for our staff, our parents and our children. By your Holy Spirit, give us strength and give us wisdom, that we may be faithful to the trust we have received, and a support to those with whom we work, for the good of all who are in our care.

We thank you Lord for our children, a precious gift from you May we use the gifts of our time, wisdom, and experience to help them to learn and grow, fulfil their potential and become all that you want them to be.

We pray for our school, for the staff who teach, support and care for our young We ask that you will bless them, cause them to flourish and give them resilience as they face both challenge and joy in their work.

Help us to Lord, as we meet, both to see the big picture and attend to the small details with grace and hope, knowing you hold us all in your loving hand.
