School – Home Partnership Agreement
Each year the school, pupils and parents are expected to sign a School – Home Partnership Agreement in order to agree to adhere to the school’s expected responsibilities and behaviours as outlined below:
The School agrees to:
care for each pupil’s safety and happiness.
value each pupil as an individual.
provide a broad, balanced curriculum and meet the individual needs of each pupil.
develop children’s independence through giving increasing responsibility for learning, behaviour and belongings.
achieve highest possible standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships.
make the children’s education meaningful and enjoyable.
keep parents and carers informed about general school matters and pupil progress.
be open, welcoming and courteous and offer opportunities for parents and carers to become involved in the daily life of the school.
promote and role model the school values of: friendship, trust, forgiveness, peace and thankfulness every day and allow these to underpin everything the school stands for.
The Pupil agrees to:
come to school every day and on time.
bring everything I need every day.
wear my school uniform to be smart and show belonging.
do all my work as well as I can.
be polite, helpful and kind.
let my teacher know if I have any worries.
look after my belongings and respect those of other people.
look after my school and its equipment.
take home all letters to my parents or carers.
show that I know and care about the school values of: friendship, trust, forgiveness, peace and thankfulness every day and allow these to underpin everything the school stands for.
support the school’s approach to e-safety and will not upload or add any pictures, videos or text that could upset, offend or threaten the safety of any member of the school community.
Parent/Carers agree to:
ensure that my child goes to school regularly, on time, properly equipped and ready to benefit from the day’s learning opportunities.
notify school promptly of the reason for any absence.
inform the school of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour.
support the school’s vision.
Our vision is to provide an environment which will enable your child, as a special individual, to achieve his or her potential as a whole person, developing and maturing in every way while also following the Christian concept of caring and respect for the individual, the family and the wider world.
support the school’s policies including the anti-bullying, positive behaviour and healthy eating policies.
support my child in homework and other opportunities for home learning.
attend parents’ evenings and discussions about my child’s progress.
demonstrate courtesy and respect for others in the school community and behave appropriately on the playground.
promote and role model the school values of: friendship, trust, forgiveness, peace and thankfulness every day and allow these to underpin everything the school stands for.
read all information sent home from school.
support the school’s approach to e-safety and will not upload or add any pictures, videos or text that could upset, offend or threaten the safety of any member of the school community.