Hartlip School’s Individualised Curriculum
At Hartlip Endowed CEP School, pupils and their families can expect a high-quality, broad, balanced, enriching and meaningful curriculum. As stated in the Primary National Curriculum (2014), we must offer a curriculum which:
· promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society.
· prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
Our inclusive curriculum is designed and planned each and every year by Class teachers and Senior Leaders.
We look at our cohorts, what motivates them and the context and create a curriculum which is bespoke to the needs of our learners providing the opportunities for each pupil to recognise and fulfil their God given gifts and abilities through all elements of the Primary National Curriculum, EYFS Framework, as well as core RE learning and RHE/RSE.
Aims and objectives
At Hartlip, we recognise that our curriculum is more than just a set of objectives to work towards. Our Learning to Live, Living to Learn! statement drives our curriculum. Learning is integral to all aspects of life.
We are determined to provide all pupils with a full curriculum which will allow learners to recognise their full potential.
Our objectives are:
Provide a broad and balanced education for all pupils that’s coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge for skills and future learning and employment
Enable pupils to develop knowledge, understand concepts and acquire skills, and be able to choose and apply these in relevant situations
Support pupils to develop knowledge and skills to be Good Shepherds and help all those who may be lost.
Support pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
Support pupils’ physical development and responsibility for their own health, and enable them to be active
Promote a positive attitude towards learning. We want children to be excited about coming to school and thirsty for every learning opportunity: Living to Learn!
Ensure equal access to learning for all pupils, with high expectations for every pupil and appropriate levels of challenge and support
Have a high academic/vocational/technical ambition for all pupils
Equip pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life
For EYFS: Promote the learning and development of our youngest children and ensure they are ready for Key Stage 1
Our Curriculum
At the heart of our curriculum, you will find the Heart of Hartlip: our strong, unstinting core.
Our core holds our Christian School Vision of The Good Shepherd and the Lost Sheep, and our Christian School Values of Trust, Peace, Friendship, Forgiveness and Thankfulness.
Our vision ensures that no-one is lost or left behind – no lost sheep. It helps us all to become Good Shepherds in our school, our locality, our country and our world. This core is driven by our ‘Learning to Live, Living to Learn’ statement.
The Curriculum is built around the core. The Subjects we teach form the broad outer layer. These are the delivered, enriched and underpinned by other concepts and skills as you get closer to the core.
Learning to Live! Living to Learn! Our Whole School Concepts
Our Christian Vision and Values are at the heart of our curriculum. We equip children each day, with the emotion, drive and power of ‘Learning to Live, Living to Learn!’
Our intent is to ensure that everyone is able to access their learning and no one is left behind. Our school: the Shepherd, inspired by our founder Mary Gibbon, welcomes and nurtures all. We provide the opportunity for each person to recognise and fulfil their God given gifts and abilities. We inspire all to be lifelong learners, equipped with the skills needed to be thankful, generous members of society.
We have designed our curriculum to be have a theme each term and this is one of our School Christian Values.
Term 1: All are Welcome!
Term 2: Peace
Term 3: Friendship
Term 4: Forgiveness
Term 5: Trust
Term 6: Thankfulness
We carefully structure a two year cycle under these headings. This ensures holistic learning in all our subjects, worship and Enrichment Activities.
Home Learning
We view education as a holistic process. We encourage children to talk about their learning at home and explore further topics of both interest and enjoyment. Additionally, it is important that after a week of learning, teachers can understand what a child can do independently and observe transference of skills and application.
Learning is not just about academics. Essentially, children need to learn and mange a variety of skills to thrive in society and in the next steps of their educational journey.
Teachers set home learning every week on a Friday, with the expectation it is returned on a Wednesday for feedback. In line with our School Christian Vision, we ensure that all learners can access this home learning. We acknowledge that for all sorts of reasons, families may not be able to complete tasks at home. We therefore provide a home learning club on two occasions throughout the school week, to allow children a safe and quiet space to complete home learning tasks.
We ask that children read every day. we encourage parents to read to their children.
“My child going to Hartlip has been given the most important building blocks to make him what he is today. ”