Learning Hubs
Roles and Responsibilities
Our teachers hold leadership responsibilities over aspects of the curriculum. Each teacher leads a Hub – a group of subjects. Each Hub is created based upon the skills and interests of the lead teacher, ensuring the Hub is led with enthusiasm and drive.
At the start of every academic year. Hub Leaders consider their vision for their Hub and subjects. Using this vision, they create a bespoke Action Plan for the year, considering their intentions and how they will implement the actions. At the end of every seasonal term, leaders review their actions to date looking at the impact they have made upon teaching and learning. They may tweak or set new actions.
After reviewing their Action Plans, Hub Leaders meet with the Senior Leadership Team, to discuss the impact across the term. This provides the opportunity for leaders to talk through their actions, the impact they have made and identify next steps, ensuring continues drive and improvement. These Hub progress meetings provide mentoring and coaching for Middle Leaders.
Hub leaders regularly monitor subjects within their Hub and have termly release time for this purpose. Monitoring activities include pupil voice, pupil engagement, pupil’s work/books, learning environments, assessment information and lessons. All monitoring is purposeful – Hub leaders provide timely and constructive feedback to class teachers and use monitoring to plan and lead staff CPD, including demonstrations and ‘in class’ support where required. Monitoring is revisited to check feedback has been acted upon and allowing for further next steps to be set, ensuring continuous improvement.
Every curriculum subject has a link Governor. The Governor and Hub leader work together on monitoring activities and information and updates related to the subject is shared with the Link Governor. In some cases, Governors join Hub Leaders for monitoring activities and report back to the Full Governing Body. Hub Leaders keep Governors updated via email or in person/on video call on developments in the subject.
In addition to the monitoring activities above, the governing board will monitor the effectiveness of this policy and hold the headteacher to account for its implementation.
The governing board will also ensure that:
A robust framework is in place for setting curriculum priorities and aspirational targets
Maintained schools only: Enough teaching time is provided for pupils to cover the National Curriculum and other statutory requirements
Proper provision is made for pupils with different abilities and needs, including children with special educational needs (SEN)
The school implements the relevant statutory assessment arrangements
It participates actively in decision-making about the breadth and balance of the curriculum