School Phased Reopening


School Phased Re-opening

We are delighted to announce that our school will start to re open from Monday 8th June 2020 to children in eligible year groups as stipulated by the Government: Year R (EYFS) Year 1 and Year 6.

Ours staff have been amazing in preparing for the wider opening of school, both in their commitment to come back to school for the benefit of our children, but also working tirelessly to prepare a safe but still welcoming and familiar environment.

Our plans can be read here:

We have prepared our children by holding Zoom Bubble meetings to introduce to them the staff that will be leading their Teaching and Learning as well as caring for them.

We have written to our children in Year 6 and Year R and 1

We have written to the parents of children in Year 6 and Year R and 1

We are sad that we cannot have everyone back to school yet, but remind ourselves that we are still a family, even if we are learning together in school or learning together remotely. Watch our video!